OPORTO WINE WITHOUT CLICHÉS OR STEREOTYPES, WITHIN REACH OF EVERYONE En la Escuela de Vino de WOW tenemos como objetivo demo-cratizar el conocimiento del vino. Por eso ofrecemos talleres de todo tipo, desde catas con queso o trufas de chocolate hasta clases magistrales sobre los vinos de Oporto u otras regiones del país. Hay algo para todos: desde curiosos a expertos. Uno de mis planes favoritos es visitar la terraza Angel’s Share y dis-frutar de un Pink Port Tonic, elaborado con un vino de Oporto rosado, tónica, hielo y frutos rojos. Todas las regiones vinícolas portuguesas son interesantes pero mis debilidades son el vinho verde y los que llegan de la isla de Azores que ofrecen una iden-tidad única, fresca y siempre con un toque salino. At WOW Wine School we aim to democratise the understan-ding of wine. That’s why we offer workshops of all kinds, from tastings with cheese and chocolate truffles to masterclasses on Port wines or other regions of the country. There is some-thing for absolutely everyone, from the casually curious to the expert. One of my favourite things to do is to visit the Angel’s Share terrace and enjoy a Pink Port Tonic, made with a rosé port wine, tonic, ice, and red fruits. All Portuguese wine regions are fascinating, but my weaknesses are the vinho verde and those from the island of Azores, which have their own unique identity – fresh, and always with that touch of saltiness. Marta Campos Es sumiller de la Escuela del Vino situada dentro de WOW, en Vila Nova de Gaia. // Is sommelier at the Wine School located within WOW, in Vila Nova de Gaia.