Noticias//News Con esta aeronave se elevan a 26 el número total de Dreamliners con los que ya cuenta. A pesar de los retrasos que, a escala global, registra el mercado en la entrega de aviones comer-ciales, Air Europa sigue cumpliendo con las previsiones estable-cidas en su Plan Estratégico. La compañía, que cuenta con un acuerdo de exclusividad con Boeing, ha unificado su flota en torno a modelos de este fabricante. A los Boeing 787 hay que sumar también los 27 Boeing 737-800 de pasillo único de los que dis-pone la aerolínea, a los que próximamente se unirán sus primeros Boeing 737 MAX. El Boeing 787 Dreamliner es el modelo más moderno y efi-ciente de su categoría. Gracias a su configuración y a los elemen-tos con los que está fabricado, es capaz de disminuir el consumo de carburante y las emisiones en hasta un 25%. Asimismo, sus motores reducen el impacto acústico en hasta un 60%, acortando en hasta 40 minutos la duración de algunos vuelos de largo radio. Por otra parte, está diseñado para proporcionar un entorno mucho más cómodo al pasajero. Dispone de ventanas un 30% más gran-des de lo habitual, así como de más espacio en cabina y un sistema de ventilación que contribuye a reducir la fatiga en viajes transo-ceánicos, mejorando el descanso del usuario. ENG The aircraft will help meet the high level of demand during the summer months, as well as providing connectivity between Europe and America. Air Europa has just added a new Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner to its fleet, serving mainly long-haul routes. The aircraft will allow it to respond immediately to the increase in demand recorded over the summer months, as well as to the needs of other routes with a higher volume of passengers. This summer season, the company has increased the frequency on some of its main routes between Europe and America, as well as launching new destinations, such as Santiago de los Caballeros, in the Dominican Republic. This aircraft brings the total number of Dreamliners to 26. Despite the global delays in the delivery of commercial air-craft, Air Europa continues to meet the forecasts set out in its Strategic Plan. The company, which has an exclusive agreement with Boeing, has consolidated its fleet around Boeing models. In addition to the Boeing 787s, the airline also has 27 single-aisle Boeing 737-800s, which will soon be joined by its first Boeing 737 MAX. The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is the most advanced and efficient aircraft in its class. Its design and materials can reduce fuel con-sumption and emissions by up to 25%, while its engines reduce noise impact by up to 60%, and shorten the duration of some long-haul flights by up to 40 minutes. The aircraft is also designed to provide a far more comfortable environment for passengers. The windows are 30% larger than usual, plus the cabin has more space and a ventilation system that helps to reduce fatigue on transoceanic journeys, contributing towards a more restful pas-senger experience. Cabina Bussines del nuevo Dreamliner. // Business cabin of the new Dreamliner.